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Skilled Visas
We understand that there may be skilled professionals who are already in Australia or wish to migrate to Australia and as such, our best Skilled Australian Immigration Lawyers specialises in temporary and permanent residency applications including general skilled migration, state sponsored skilled migration or family sponsored skilled migration 189, 190, and 491 applications as well as Global Talent Visas and Distinguished Talent Visas.
Migration Agency and Consultants
Best Visa Agency and Migration Lawyers
There are multiple types of Australian Skilled visas. Learn more about the various types of skilled visas as you read on.
If you are a Skilled Trades Worker or Professional, you may be eligible to apply for skilled migration.
Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)- Points Tested Stream
The Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189) enables the visa holder to work, study and live anywhere in Australia. This visa is a permanent residency visa and the visa holder may then proceed to apply for Australian Citizenship when eligible.
You do not require a Sponsor or Nominator to apply for this visa. You will generally need to select an occupation which is comparable to your skills and/work experience, meet skills assessment in your relevant occupation, meet points test, meet English Requirement and be invited by the Australian Immigration to apply. You will also need to be under 45 years old to be invited to apply. Unlike work or family visas, you must first go through the Expression of Interest Process and be invited to apply.
You must also ensure that you have met all the pre-requisites before submitting for an expression of interest, as failure to do so may lead to a visa refusal or an invalid application. It is vital that applicants have their points tested and have all documents prepared in the early stages.
If you are a skilled trades person or professional inside or outside Australia, and are interested in applying for a SC189 Skilled Independent Visa, contact us to book in for a Professional Assessment session, to ensure that you are on the right track to permanent migration.
Our Migration Practice assist clients from all across Australia and overseas with advice on choosing the suitable occupation from the relevant occupation list, skills assessments, points test assessment and visa applications.
Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)- New Zealand Stream
If you are a New Zealand Citizen, you may be eligible to apply for this visa. The Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189) New Zealand Stream enables the visa holder to work and study anywhere in Australia. This visa is a permanent residency visa and the visa holder may then proceed to apply for Australian Citizenship.
You may be eligible to apply for this visa if you hold a New Zealand Specialhold a New Zealand Special Category (subclass 444) visa, started living in Australia since or before 19 February 2016 and have a taxable income at or above a specific income threshold for each of the four completed income years prior to applying for your visa.
Unlike the points tested stream, you can be over 45 years old to apply. You also do not have to meet the points tested stream and are exempted from both English Test and skills assessment.
It is noted that there are multiple pathways for New Zealand Citizens living in Australia for Australian permanent residency and in some cases, you may already be a permanent resident and if so, you can proceed to apply for Australian Citizenship. If you have an Australian partner or spouse or if you were in Australia before 2001, then there may be other family visas or Australian Citizenship options for you.
If you are a New Zealand Citizen, and are interested in applying for a SC189 Skilled Independent Visa or would like to explore other visa or Australian Citizenship options, contact us to book in for a Professional Consultation Session.
Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)- Points Tested Stream
The Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190) enables the visa holder to work, study and live in Australia. This visa is a permanent residency visa and the visa holder may then proceed to apply for Australian Citizenship when eligible.
The Subclass 190 visa requires a State or Territory in Australia to nominate you to apply for this visa. If the nomination is successful, then the Australian Immigration will invite you to apply for the visa.
The various states and territory government agencies have specific and unique criteria for in their nomination process from the type of occupation, English requirement, or other more relaxed approach such as graduates from the states or territory or if you have been living and working in the particular state or territory. The criteria may also vary depending on whether you are currently in Australia or overseas.
You will generally need to select an occupation which is comparable to your skills and/work experience, meet skills assessment in your relevant occupation, meet points test, meet English Requirement and be invited by the Australian Immigration to apply. You will also need to be under 45 years old to be invited to apply.
Unlike work or family visas, you must first go through the Expression of Interest Process and be invited to apply. You must also ensure that you have met all the pre-requisites before submitting for an expression of interest, as failure to do so may lead to a visa refusal or an invalid application. It is vital that applicants have their points tested and have all documents prepared in the early stages.
As compared to the Skilled Independent Subclass 189 points tested stream, should a State or Territory choose to nominate an applicant for a Subclass 190 visa, then the applicant will gain additional points towards meeting the points test. This coupled with the State or Territory’s support and nomination increases the likelihood of the applicant’s being invited to apply for the visa. Further to same, the list of occupation on Subclass 190 may be broader than Subclass 189. Hence, Subclass 190 enables prospective applicants with occupations that are not on the Subclass 189 list to have an increased chance of success if their occupation is found the particular State or Territory’s list.
You will generally need to select an occupation which is comparable to your skills and/work experience, meet skills assessment in your relevant occupation, meet points test, meet English Requirement and be invited by the Australian Immigration to apply. You will also need to be under 45 years old to be invited to apply. Unlike work or family visas, you must first go through the Expression of Interest Process and be invited to apply. You must also ensure that you have met all the pre-requisites before submitting for an expression of interest, as failure to do so may lead to a visa refusal or an invalid application. It is vital that applicants have their points tested and have all documents prepared in the early stages.
For more information which occupation to choose or which State or Territory may sponsor you, contact us to book in for a Professional Assessment session to ensure that you are on the right track to permanent migration.
Our Migration Practice assist clients from all across Australia and overseas with advice on choosing the suitable occupation from the relevant occupation list, skills assessments, points test assessment and visa applications.
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa Subclass 491 - State or Territory Nominated/ Family Sponsored Stream
The Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 491) enables the visa holder to work, study and live in Australia. This is a provisional visa granted for 5 years and may lead to permanent residency if you meet the criteria for permanent visa (Subclass 191). Generally, the visa holder must have lived and worked in a designated area for at least three (3) years and have a taxable income at or above a specific income threshold and have complied with all conditions of Subclass 491 visa.
There are two (2) streams to the 491 visa, namely State or Territory Nomination Stream and family sponsored stream.
If the nomination or sponsorship is successful, then the Australian Immigration will invite you to apply for the visa.
It is noted that the type of occupation list under the Family Stream may differ from State or Territory Nomination Stream.
An eligible family member must be either an Australian Permanent Resident or Citizen living in a designated area.
As with State or Territory Nomination, the various states and territory government agencies have specific and unique criteria for in their nomination process from the type of occupation, English requirement, or other more relaxed approach such as graduates from the states or territory or if you have been living and working in the particular state or territory. The criteria may also vary depending on whether you are currently in Australia or overseas. You will generally need to select an occupation which is comparable to your skills and/work experience, meet skills assessment in your relevant occupation, meet points test, meet English Requirement and be invited by the Australian Immigration to apply. You will also need to be under 45 years old to be invited to apply. Unlike work or family visas, you must first go through the Expression of Interest Process and be invited to apply. You must also ensure that you have met all the pre-requisites before submitting for an expression of interest, as failure to do so may lead to a visa refusal or an invalid application. It is vital that applicants have their points tested and have all documents prepared in the early stages.
As compared to the Skilled Independent Subclass 189 points tested stream, should a State or Territory choose to nominate an applicant for a Subclass 190 visa, then the applicant will gain additional points towards meeting the points test. This coupled with the State or Territory’s support and nomination increases the likelihood of the applicant’s being invited to apply for the visa. Further to same, the list of occupation on Subclass 190 may be broader than Subclass 189. Hence, Subclass 190 enables prospective applicants with occupations that are not on the Subclass 189 list to have an increased chance of success if their occupation is found the particular State or Territory’s list.
You will generally need to select an occupation which is comparable to your skills and/work experience, meet skills assessment in your relevant occupation, meet points test, meet English Requirement and be invited by the Australian Immigration to apply. You will also need to be under 45 years old to be invited to apply. Unlike work or family visas, you must first go through the Expression of Interest Process and be invited to apply. You must also ensure that you have met all the pre-requisites before submitting for an expression of interest, as failure to do so may lead to a visa refusal or an invalid application. It is vital that applicants have their points tested and have all documents prepared in the early stages.
For more information which occupation to choose or which State or Territory may sponsor you, or if a relative can sponsor you, contact us to book in for a Professional Assessment session to ensure that you are on the right track to permanent migration.
Our Migration Practice assist clients from all across Australia and overseas with advice on choosing the suitable occupation from the relevant occupation list, skills assessments, points test assessment and visa applications.
Subclass 887 Skilled Regional Visa
The Subclass 887 Skilled Regional Visa enables the visa holder to work, study and live in Australia. This is a permanent residency visa. Generally, the visa holder must have held an eligible visa, have lived for at least two (2) years and worked full time for at least one (1) year in a specified regional area and complied with all conditions. This visa was a popular pathway for the Subclass 489 visa transitioning into Permanent Residency. It is noted that the Subclass 489 visa has now been replaced with Subclass 491 visa. If you are a new applicant, then this pathway may not be suitable for you. You may wish to consider other types of skilled visas.
If you believe you are eligible for a Subclass 887 visa, contact us to book in for a Professional Consultation Session.
Global Talent Visas
The Australian Government has introduced global talent visas to attract the best and talented ones to Australia.
TheGlobal Talent Independent program is introduced to attract highly talented individuals, with entrepreneurial ideas within targeted industry areas, by driving innovation and creating additional job opportunities.
The Global Talent Employer Sponsored program is designed to attract skilled individuals into specific niche occupations to help innovate established businesses and contribute to Australia’s developing start up ecosystem.
South Australia also introduced a pilot program to attract foreign entrepreneurs to launch seed-stage startups in their state.
If you are a skilled individual and believe that you may be eligible for a global talent visa, contact us to book in for a Professional Consultation Session.
Skilled - Recognised Graduate Visa Subclass 476
This is a temporary visa for graduates who have completed an engineering degree at a specified educational institution in the past two (2) yearsand not have previously been the primary visa holder of a subclass 476 or 485 visa. Applicants must also be under 31 years of age. If you are an engineering graduates outside Australia, you may be eligible for this visa.
If you believe that you may be eligible for a this visa, contact us to book in for a Professional Consultation Session.
Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485)
If you are a recent graduate from studying in Australia, you may be eligible for a temporary graduate visa. This visa has two streams, namely Graduate Stream and Post-Study Stream.
Generally, applicants will need to be under 50 when applying and meet English requirement.
This visa enables the visa holder to work and live in Australia for a specified amount of time.
As with the Graduate Stream, an applicant usually is required to select an occupation under the relevant occupation list and have positive skills assessment. The graduate stream is usually granted for 18 months. As with the Post-Study Stream, an applicant must have a recent degree in a CRICOS registered course. The Post-Study stream can be granted for 2-4 years depending on the course you have completed.
It is noted that on the outset, the Subclass 485 visa appears to be an ‘easy’ application, however we have seen in many cases, where self-applicants (applicants who applied themselves without legal assistance) have been refused their visas due to technical requirement and this eventually caused immense financial and emotional pressure on graduates. Whilst there may be appeal rights to your case, it is likely to affect your future plans and work in Australia.
If you are a recent graduate and are looking at applying for a Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485 visa), please do not hesitate to contact us for advice on your case, in order to ensure that you meet every requirement before you apply.
NOTE: It is noted that the information on this website is not to be treated as legal or migration advice. It is basic information only. Our firm assess each case on a case by case basis. Please do not hesitate to contact us for specific advice for your case. Thank you.
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